Home Health 10 Reasons Why Most Men Can’t Handle A Strong Woman

10 Reasons Why Most Men Can’t Handle A Strong Woman


1.A strong woman doesn’t need a man to fight for her.

A man needs to feel wanted. They need to know that they are battling for the love and admiration of their woman. A strong woman doesn’t need any man, she needs a warrior. If the man doesn’t step up and fight with her, she will fight for both of them. This makes a man feel rather emasculated sometimes.

2.A strong woman knows what she wants.

Strong women know what they want, how to attain it, and remember all that they had to endure to get whatever they have. Strong women have tenacious personalities that can be extremely intimidating for some men. They aren’t submissive. They love wholeheartedly and also can continue exploring the world, with a man or not. It takes a self-confident man to allow this type of personality to take charge.

3. A strong woman will require honesty and vulnerability.

Many men can find it difficult to open up to difficult questions. Strong women dive into the depth of hurt, traumas, and life-challenging experiences. A man will be required to be honest and vulnerable because a strong woman has endured so much in her life and wants to share it with her partner. A strong woman needs to know if the feelings will be reciprocated. She needs a strong man to stand tall with her in the face of adversity.

4.A strong woman is not intimidated by intimacy.

The strong woman will challenge a man in the most intimate of ways. She will require intimacy in all forms, from conversation to making love. She will hold nothing back. Because a strong woman is comfortable with her femininity, she will expect her man to also be open to all aspects of intimacy. She requires passion, desire and feel like she’s the one.

5. A strong woman can see right through lies.

Strong women are honest and expect complete trust in a relationship. Strong women are trustworthy, but it only takes one lie to ruin that. She will never tolerate a sense of falseness and selfishness. If you can’t be with her completely, she will have no problem discarding you.

6. A strong woman requires integrity and consistency.

Women who have inner strength cannot tolerate irregularity or indecisive personalities. They want to know that the man they love has integrity, respect, and is a man of his word. If they start to feel that their man is pulling away, they will react accordingly and have no problem letting him go if they feel they are being played. They want to feel like they are loved unconditionally. If they feel disrespected, they will have no issues setting that on track. The worst thing you can do to a strong woman is make her feel weak.

7. A Strong Woman is Intense

Strong women are deeply passionate and intense and men can find it difficult to have a relationship with them. Not all men can handle such a level of honesty and intensity that strong women have. She has endured extraordinary challenges and obstacles in her life, and she is strong for that reason. A strong woman is willing to share those scars with her partner and expects them to do the same. It all can be intimidating to a man because of all the emotions and thoughts that come with being with a strong woman.

8. A Strong Woman Will Not Wait for You

A strong woman will stick to a man’s side as long as they are committed to her in the same way. The moment that he starts to pull back, she will let him go. She will not wait for a man to decide if he wants her or someone else, she will just look for someone better. Strong women are ready to face hurt, heal from their wounds, and get back to conquering whatever is next. She will not wait for a man to decide on her, she will make the decision for him.

9. A strong woman will love you unconditionally.

Unconditional love can often be overwhelming for men. The love they show their men is much like the love a mother shows her child. She will forever love you no matter what, and if you return this love to her you will be unstoppable.

10.A strong woman will show you who you are.

A strong woman will speak up about those parts in her man that need addressing, and some men cannot handle being told to fix those parts of themselves. Although she can point things out, a strong woman is also willing to help her man be as powerful as they are. She will stand by their side and show pure acceptance and confidence. Strong women will find strong men because weak men don’t know how to handle the honesty, strength, intelligence, and independence of strong women.


Source:womenworking.com, awarenessact.com, mesmerizingwords.com