10 signs can say if he has stopped putting efforts in the relationship

These signs can tell you if he has stopped putting effort into the relationship
Are you feeling that your man is not putting effort into this relationship? Then here are the signs to be sure of it.
How to check if your man has completely stopped putting efforts in the relationship?
1. He doesn’t care about you and your life.
He doesn’t have that much interest in you and your life. You are the only person asking about his life. But he doesn’t ask about you at all.
2. You send him a text message in the first place.
If you notice that he never seems to be the person to address, it could mean that he’s not that interested. Or it could be a sign that he knows you’ll come to him so he’ll feel comfortable sitting back and let you do the chasing.
3. He doesn’t take care of you
Men are born protectors. A real man likes to keep everyone he loves safe – especially his wife or girlfriend – and loves to be the rock she can lean on during hard times.
So if your man doesn’t take care of you, it’s one of the clearest signs that he’s not putting effort into the relationship.
4. He won’t make any effort to see you or make any plans.
When there will be free time in his schedule, then you can only find him.
5. And you are the only one, who will always wish to meet him and make different plans.
But most of them would be cancelled by him.
6. You may also find your man does not want to meet with his friends or family.
He doesn’t even want to make any connection with them.
7. Your friends may find him quite rude towards them and there will always be dual personality of your man in front of you and your friends.
8. Significant dates or incidents have been almost forgotten by him.
He doesn’t even bother to remember these things.
9. He would like you to drive, cook, and do everything. But he won’t even give you a hand.
10. He doesn’t like to share things with you
Sharing is the key to a strong relationship. But now your partner has been quite secretive. He doesn’t like to share things with you and also has no interest in taking this relationship further.
Source:pinkvilla.com, bolde.com, bolde.com