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3 Signs That Show He Misses You When You Cut Contact With Each Other

In every relationship, there will be a period where a couple cut contact with each other to have some personal time of thinking whether they want to stay in the relationship or not.

At this time, most girls will happen to check for a text in their phones from time to time, because they want to know wants her man thinking on the other side. In addition, it is during this time that a woman would want to know whether her man misses her or not.

If you want to know whether he misses you or not, here are some signs that you can observe.

1. He texts you

As the name “no contact” periodsuggests, there should be no contact at all between couples. However, if he keeps on texting you, then know that he misses you.

2. He always “accidentally” bumps into you during “no contact”

If you feel that he is always the same place as you and keeps on telling you that it is “accidental” then know that he is lying. He is doing it intentionally so that he sees you.

3. He keeps on complimenting you during “no contact”

This is another way of knowing that a man is missing you during the “no contact” period. When he keeps complimenting you during this period on social media, believe me, he misses you so much.