Home Health 4 Warning Signs Of High Cholesterol & Foods You Should Eat To...

4 Warning Signs Of High Cholesterol & Foods You Should Eat To Flush It Out

4 Warning Signs of High Cholesterol and Foods You Should Eat to Throw It Away

High cholesterol is a condition when LDL levels in the blood increase as a result of eating high-fat foods. High cholesterol, also known as hypercholesterolemia or hyperlipidemia, is classified by an abnormally high or low level of HDL, which leads to fatty deposits in the arteries. As a result, your arteries narrow and your blood flow is interrupted, which can have deadly consequences for your heart and brain.

The following are warning signs of high cholesterol in the body.

1. Persistent pain in the legs during exercise.

Burning discomfort, fatigue, or a “heavy” feeling in the legs can be signs of inadequate blood flow to the area, which can be caused by high cholesterol. Any area of the leg, from the calf to the buttocks, can be painful, whether it affects one or both legs. The discomfort usually goes away with rest, but returns when you perform the same degree of activity again, such as walking two blocks.

2. Abnormal looking toenails and legs.

Toenails can indicate the effects of insufficient blood flow in the legs and feet. Toenails that are thickening or growing slower than usual are indications.

Also, the appearance of your skin may change, making it look tight and shiny. If your leg is white when you hold it up, but turns purple or crimson when you put it down, your body is thinning blood vessels to increase blood flow to your feet.

3. Cold hands and feet.

Your inadequate blood flow may be the cause of cold extremities for no apparent reason. It is especially vital to mention this to a doctor if you notice that one foot or hand feels cold, but not the other.

4. High blood pressure.

Your blood pressure can rise if your arteries are clogged due to high LDL levels, as it is harder for blood to pass through. If you have noticed high blood pressure lately, see a doctor.

Foods that can flush bad cholesterol out of the body.

1. Fatty fish.

Salmon, mackerel, and other fatty fish are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which can help lower cholesterol. Fish increases HDL levels in the body, balancing cholesterol levels, while omega-3 fatty acids reduce LDL and triglyceride levels in the blood, promoting a healthy heart. When eating fish, be sure to prepare it by cooking, grilling, broiling, or eating it raw.

2. Walnuts.

Walnuts are another excellent source of healthy, nutrient-rich foods. Due to their high level of monounsaturated fat, protein, and minerals among all types of nuts, almonds and walnuts rank first among foods to lower cholesterol. Moreover, first of all, nuts are generally abundant in the plant form of omega-3 fatty acids, a type of polyunsaturated fat that supports a healthy heart and well-being. Second, they are rich in the nutrient L-arginine, which is necessary for nitric oxide production and blood pressure regulation.

3. Fruits.

All the nutrients needed for a balanced diet can be found in fruits. Fruits that are strong in antioxidants and soluble fiber, such as pectin, which is thought to lower LDL levels by up to 10%, help lower cholesterol levels, including apples, grapes, strawberries, and citrus fruits. Fruits and berries are an abundant source of plant-based protein substances that raise good cholesterol and lower LDL cholesterol ( HDL ) Fruits are another food to include in your diet since they have bioactive substances that help lower the risk of developing heart disease.
