6 Signs To Tell You Are Not First Choice Of Your Partner!

You are not his priority if these things are happening. Pay attention to these 6 signs or behaviors.
1. No pre-planning
Whenever you want to go out and pre plan a date or a trip, your partner does not commit to anything? Is the person always making last minute plans with you? If the above two things are true then it is very much possible that you are not the priority and when their plan falls out with someone else, only then does he/she come to you. Sometimes it is fine and normal but everytime is something you need to worry about.
2. The text messaging habit
When it is not a priority, you are given short shrift with a few texts to keep you hooked. You see them posted on social media but no response in your window. You are only reminded when he/she wants something from you. This behavior should not be encouraged unless you are ok with being someone’s second choice.
3. They keep their options open
If you are not someone’s priority, then that person will refrain from talking about you or keep it clear that you are nowhere in that picture and even with you will talk about someone else or others, keeping your status unclear.
4. Too many cancellations
It has also been found that while there is newness in the relationship, couples look for opportunities to meet. On the contrary, if the future spouse keeps cancelling the reunion plan, then it also gives a message of not being satisfied with the relationship. If your partner doesn’t like you, then he will definitely try to cancel the plans made to meet or go out together.
5. Memory
When we are interested in someone, we remember what he/she tells us about him/her. We even notice what he/she wears. But when we are not so interested in them, we easily forget what was said. When you are a second choice, the same happens to you. You rarely remember anything that was said to you. You explain yourself repeatedly and well, it’s upsetting.
You will only feel this way when you are not your partner’s first choice. Someone or something is already there before you. You can easily understand it by observing some special symptoms of your partner. Let’s check what those signs are.