Home Quiz ScienceIf You Can Solve This Simple Math Puzzle in Under 10 Seconds,...

ScienceIf You Can Solve This Simple Math Puzzle in Under 10 Seconds, You May Be a Genius!

Can you solve this High IQ Intelligence Test in under 10 seconds?

If you love solving math puzzles, check out this High IQ Intelligence Test.

Some particularly tricky math equations have gone viral on social media and the following High IQ Intelligence Test has been driving some people to the edge.

It’s also considered a puzzle of sorts but if you solve the math equations in 10 seconds or less, it means you have the IQ of a genius!


Can you solve this High IQ Intelligence Test in under 10 seconds?



The High IQ Intelligence Test may seem difficult at first but once you find out the answer, you’ll see just how simple this math equation is.

This High IQ Intelligence Test may seem difficult at first but once you find out the answer, you’ll see just how simple this math equation is.


Feeling stumped and want to know the answer? Scroll down further if you…

Feeling stumped and want to know the answer? Scroll down further if you…



Are you sure?

Are you sure?




OK, here is the answer to the High IQ Intelligence Test! You first multiply the numbers, add them, then subtract them.



In other words, the first part of the answer is the product of the numbers (8×2=16).

The middle section is the sum of the numbers (8+2=10). And the last section is the difference (8-2=6).


Were you able to guess it?

If so, congratulations and if you didn’t, at least you tried!

Please share this tricky High IQ Intelligence Test math equation puzzle with your friends and family.











