Home Moral Stories My Husband Sent Me a Cake to Announce Our Divorce — When...

My Husband Sent Me a Cake to Announce Our Divorce — When He Discovered the Truth, He Came Crawling Back

Emma is sitting at her desk one afternoon when she gets a surprise delivery. She discovers the pregnancy test she neglected to conceal along with a cake bearing an eerie message as she opens the package. Will she let her spouse walk away or return home and tell him the truth?

The workplace delivery guy showed up at my office door as I was half-typing an email and half-daydreaming about what to make for supper at my desk. He was smiling from ear to ear as like he was privy to some inside joke that I was unaware of, while clutching a vibrant pink bakery box.

“Good afternoon, Emma!” he said enthusiastically. “This is for you!”

“Thank you, Nico,” I said, blinking as he handed me the box.

I had ordered nothing. There were no birthdays or work celebrations planned. So, who would be sending me a cake? My stomach fluttered with curiosity. My husband, Jake, was one of the head bakers at a fancy bakery in town. So, maybe this was just a little treat from him.

With everyone eager to get out of the office for the day, the office was buzzing with the typical energy—phones ringing, keyboards clacking, people laughing in the break room. But everything else vanished from view at that very moment. I raised the lid, undid the ribbon slowly, and froze.

Scrawled across the top of the cake in black frosting were four words that turned my blood cold:

I am divorcing you.

I stared at the words, blinking in disbelief. But there was more!

Placed neatly on the cake, next to the damning message, was a positive pregnancy test.

My heart dropped into my stomach.

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Jake had found it. He’d found the pregnancy test that I’d thrown into the bathroom trash this morning, the same test that I was supposed to pick up and bring with me, easy to hide from Jake.

However I was late, and I had forgotten. Now, this? The cake… this was Jake’s response? Divorce. A cake with a slap-in-the-face message.

I gripped the edge of my desk to steady myself, I could feel a panic attack almost rising to the surface. This wasn’t just some cruel joke. Jake thought I had cheated on him.

Why else would he send this?

I shut the box, thoughts whirling.

Years prior, Jake had been informed that he was sterile. And he thought that this child could never be his. After everything we had been through together, he felt as though I had betrayed him and turned my back on him.

The truth, though?

The truth was far more complicated.

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I hadn’t cheated. Of course not. I hadn’t been with anyone but Jake. The pregnancy test was mine, yes, but I hadn’t told him yet because I needed confirmation from the doctor first.

Honestly, Jake and I had been through so much heartbreak trying to have a baby that I couldn’t stand the idea of getting his hopes up, only to have them crushed.

I remembered our conversation from three years ago.

“I think we should just stop trying for a while,” I said, sitting on our bed.

“What do you mean, Em?” Jake asked. “Just like that, stop trying?”

“We’ve been trying for a baby for the past eighteen months, Jake. I think our bodies need a moment to breathe.”

“You mean my body?” he asked. “It seems like mine is the problem. The doctors have told us that it’s my fault. It’s my sperm. So, yeah. Let’s stop…”

After that, Jake and I had a difficult time reestablishing ourselves as a stable relationship. We could hardly get along without the burden of trying to have a child.

My spouse now believed the worst of me, though.

I grabbed the box, gathered my belongings, and hurried out of the office, obliging my colleagues’ worried glances. I was too busy to elaborate. My only thought was about returning home, meeting with Jake, and telling him the truth.

I walked through the front door, and I saw him immediately. Jake was pacing back and forth across the living room, his face flushed, his body tense with fury.

He turned the second I stepped inside, his eyes wild.

“Tell me the test wasn’t yours!” he shouted.

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I placed the cake box gently on the kitchen counter and stood still, facing him.

“It is mine, honey,” I said.

Jake’s expression didn’t soften. He looked angrier; he looked ready to explode.

“If you want a divorce, I won’t stop you,” I continued. “But before you walk away from us, there’s something you need to know.”

His hands balled into fists at his side.

“What could you possibly say, Emma? I thought you loved me. And yet, here you are, having someone else’s baby?”

“Jake, listen to me!” I interrupted. “This baby is yours. You’re going to be a father!”

The words hung in the air.

Jake stopped pacing, his brow furrowed. For a moment, he just stared at me as if trying to process what I had said. Then he shook his head, his voice trembling with disbelief.

“No. That’s not possible. Emma, I’m infertile. The doctors said it. We’ve been over this for years.”

“Darling, the doctors were wrong,” I said, stepping closer to him. “I went to see Dr. Harper this morning after I took the test. I didn’t want you to see the test before I spoke to her because false positives happen more often than not. She explained everything to me.”

My spouse looked into my eyes, bewildered, but he refrained from interjecting this time. Taking a deep breath, I told him everything, even though I wasn’t sure if he would believe me.

“Jake,” I began. “You were never completely infertile. Dr. Harper told me that you’ve had a condition called oligospermia. It means that your sperm count was low, but it didn’t mean you couldn’t have children. Dr. Harper said that it’s likely that the stress from trying and failing to conceive over the years might have made it worse.”

Jake just looked at me, unable to speak.

“Baby, you were never completely unable to have kids…”

My husband’s mouth opened slightly, but no words came out. He sank into the armchair as he processed everything I said.

I watched as the anger drained from his face, replaced with a veil of sheer disbelief. He buried his head in his hands, his shoulders shaking as the realization hit him.

“Oh my God, Emma,” he said, his voice thick with emotion. “I thought you cheated on me. I thought you found someone else because I couldn’t… I thought I couldn’t give you what you always wanted.”

He trailed off, his words dissolving into sobs.

The man I had spent years loving, the man who had been so strong through all our struggles, was breaking down in front of me.

I could not convey the pain in my own heart as I stood there and watched him fall apart. I realized that this new chapter in our lives was something to be grateful for.

I mean, after trying for years, I was finally pregnant. This brought me delight. However, I was offended that Jake had sent that terrible cake without even consulting me, jumping to the worst possible conclusion.

But I understood, too. I understood the years of insecurity, the pain we’d both been through trying to have a child.

“I’m so sorry,” Jake said after a while. “I thought… I’m so sorry.”

I didn’t move. I just let him sit there and cry, let him process everything. He apologized over and over, each word dripping with regret. He had been ready to walk away, to end everything because of a misunderstanding, because of his own fears.

But now, now he knew the truth.

“I don’t deserve you,” he said. “I don’t deserve this chance. But I swear to you, I’ll make it up to you every day. I promise. I’ll be the best father. I’ll be the best husband!”

I felt a lump rise in my throat. This wasn’t how I had imagined telling him. I had dreamed of the moment we’d finally get the news we’d waited so long for. I’d pictured his joy, his tears of happiness. But not this. Not this mess.

But as I stood there, looking at my husband who had just crumbled to pieces, I realized that despite everything, we had been given the one thing we thought we’d never have.

A baby.

A future.

“We’ll figure it out,” I whispered, my voice cracking. And for the first time in a long time, I saw hope in Jake’s eyes. When my husband reached for me, this time, I didn’t pull away. We stood there, wrapped in each other’s arms, the weight of a pregnancy and a baby resting on our shoulders.

What would you have done?