Home Moral Stories 13 Neighbor Stories That Made Us Google “Best Places to Avoid Humans”

13 Neighbor Stories That Made Us Google “Best Places to Avoid Humans”

Having great neighbors is one of life’s wonderful gifts. They’re the ones we interact with most often, and in tough times, they can be the first to offer support. But not everyone is fortunate when it comes to their neighbors.

Story 1: 

My 7 y.o. son’s dog suddenly went missing. One day, I saw my neighbor’s boy walking the dog. He said they found it on the street. I had a big fight with his dad, who refused to believe the dog is ours.
Yesterday, his mom asked to see me alone. My blood ran cold when she declared, “You’ve been played all along. Your wife knocked on our door and asked us to take the dog!” I couldn’t believe my ears.
It’s true, my wife wasn’t thrilled about getting a dog at first, but she grew to love it. She’d never do something like that to our family. When I told her what the neighbor said, she was furious and swore it was a complete lie. I love my wife and choose to believe her, but I can’t deny the doubt my neighbor planted in my mind. I can’t shake it.

Story 2: 

Image for illustrative purpose only.

My next-door neighbor sent us a letter through the mail asking us to never park in front of their house after I parked there once. The kicker is, a couple of years later, they seem to have started some home business with employees, and now every single day there are at least three cars parked in front of our house. © sheepinwolfsclothes / Reddit

Story 3: 

The downhill neighbor had a wide-open view of our beautiful lower yard. They got a barky dog that they left in their backyard all day. The dog tore down our fence trying to get out and get to our dog. We built a new solid wood fence, and then they complained, saying that they couldn’t see our yard and that we were spying on them from our yard. Whatever.
Then they built a raised deck so they could see over the fence. We planted a row of bamboo and haven’t seen them since. They called the building department about our fence. The building department came out, said it was legit, and cited them for their illegal deck. © Aromadegym / Reddit

Story 4: 

Story 5:

My parents’ neighbor owns a landscaping company, so he has a dump truck. His house is set further back from the road than theirs, so his driveway, which is right on the property line, extends past their house and next to their backyard. My dad noticed the neighbor turning the dump truck around in my parents’ backyard when the ground was very soft from recent rain. He went back, and sure enough, there were giant ruts in my parents’ yard.
When my dad confronted the neighbor about using their backyard to turn around, the neighbor responded by saying, “I’m sorry, but if I turned it around in my yard, it would have left ruts in my lawn.” So he knew it would leave ruts, didn’t want them in his yard, and left them in my parents’ yard instead. © livecaterpillarflesh / Reddit

Story 6: 

Our neighbor across the street once tried to force her way into our house when just my wife was home, claiming my wife had been having an affair with her husband and that our son is proof. She is an 80-year-old Jamaican, and my son looks white. Also, I think the husband may have died some time ago. © Unknown author / Reddit

Story 7: 

Story 8: 

I was renting an apartment a few years ago, and the landlord decided to rent the basement to a young man who ‘got into some bad things but is doing better for himself.’ He would stay up all hours of the night playing electric guitar.
One night (around 4 AM, and I had to be at work at 8 AM), I was getting so frustrated that I stomped on the floors to remind him that there were people living upstairs. I heard him go outside for a few minutes but thought nothing of it. The next morning, when I went to drive my car, I found that he had slashed my tires. © sarahabea / Reddit

Story 9:

Image for illustrative purpose only.

A while back, my girlfriend at the time and I lived in a duplex, which turned out to be really just a house with the top and bottom stories closed off. One morning, we woke up, and the power was off in half the house; my girlfriend missed her alarm for work. We figured we blew a breaker or something but couldn’t find the fuse box anywhere. I asked our bottom-story neighbor about her power.
It turns out the breaker box is in her part of the house, and she turned our power off because she kept hearing a ‘buzzing sound’ from our place. I went mad, screamed, yelled, and told her I would call the police. I called the landlord, but this woman is a friend of the guy’s mother, so he wouldn’t do anything. © Cthugha19 / Reddit

Story 10:

The only time I have seen one of my neighbors outside, he was wearing a tuxedo and carrying a box of ceramic model dragons to add to his open trunk, which was already full of ceramic model dragons.
The same neighbor also constantly has friends over, who park on the sidewalk and have super trashed cars, doesn’t mow his lawn, and has two large dogs that never seem to go inside. © Joffrey17 / Reddit

 Story 11:

Story 12:

I lived in a flat (apartment) where the front door faced the neighbor’s door over a common hallway about 2 meters long. I had one neighbor—a middle-aged lady. She used to stand behind her closed door and repeatedly say, ‘I know I didn’t,’ over and over and over again in fast succession for about 30 minutes at a time.
It used to freak me out. I moved because of her. I didn’t want to know what she knew she didn’t. © Unknown author / Reddit

Story 13:

I rented on the second floor of a three-story building. A very young couple moved in above me. I started getting woken up at 2-3 AM because the guy would arrive home, drop stuff on the hardwood floors, stomp around, etc.
Then the fights started. Also between 2 and 3 AM, in the middle of the week. They would consist of 10–15 minutes of screaming and object throwing, followed by him slamming the door on his way out. It was happening once or twice a week, so I complained to the building strata. It kept happening.
One night, I just stood in my room and recorded it on my phone for ten minutes. I called the owners of the actual suite and played it for them. They were gone that month. Respect your neighbors, folks. © Bunktavious / Reddit