When someone you care about is going through a tough time, if you don’t know what to say or do then the best you can do is show them how much you care and promise to be there. When you’re sad, the simplest gestures might be the most effective ways to make you feel better. A Twitter user who goes by @AnnieeDaGrannie discovered this when she was visiting her family in Virginia. Her 10-year-old brother came to check on her after a disagreement that left her weeping in the toilet, and tried to cheer her up the best he could.

Annie shared the message her brother sent her on Twitter. The message is so sincere and wonderful that it has everyone crying and praising their siblings’ connections. He tried again when she wasn’t ready to come out and chat, this time with an adorable mismatched “early Christmas” package he whipped together on the fly. Look down to see the letters and presents that will light up your day as well.

Annie noted later in the string that they ended up going out to play football together and that she treasures the time she gets to spend with her brother as she lives far away from her family.
On Twitter, the 10-year-old was praised for his kindness and several people compared him to their own younger brothers.
Source: Twitter