Six Things Which Makes A Woman Lose Respect For A Man

Below are six things that make a woman lose respect for a man;
1. Mistrust
No matter if it’s a “little white lie” to “stay out of trouble with her” or a big lie that, if discovered, will have life-altering ramifications, most women will not tolerate their man being routinely dishonest. In fact, once your wife has caught you lying, she will never be able to fully trust you again. She will not be able to see you as her “rock” or her rock man and her respect for you will diminish.
2. No direction
You feel like you have to constantly keep directing the relationship because you have no idea where you want things to go, for example, to marriage or not.
3. Not being able to provide
there may be times when the woman may be the main provider, but if he is not showing any effort to provide for us, we lose respect.
4. Feeling like his second or third
When we feel like working, friends, parents, etc. are always first in front of you. We women feel validated when we know we are not. 1 in their eyes.
5. Whining Like a Victim
For various reasons, a man may find that his life plans are suddenly in jeopardy. It is understandable that when things go wrong like this, a man may want to talk about his problems with his wife, but when he complains like a victim without seeking solutions, a woman’s respect for him will quickly diminish, not all women, but you better be prepared. Everyone has disappointments and problems that have to be solved, but some men will let it destroy them by getting used to it and acting like a “victim of life”.
6. Infidelity and obvious flirting
Research has revealed that Post-Infidelity Stress Disorder is one of the classic signs that can follow cheating episodes in marriages. Since this can threaten a woman’s emotional well-being and psychological health, she may end up relating to her husband in ways that can make him feel as if he is being disrespected.,