Home Health I Was Constipated And Bloated… A Week Later My Colon Is Clean...

I Was Constipated And Bloated… A Week Later My Colon Is Clean Thanks To The Amazing Combination Of These 2 Ingredients In My Kitchen

I Was Constipated And Bloated… A Week Later My Colon Is Clean Thanks To The Amazing Combination Of These 2 Ingredients In My Kitchen

Most people nowadays have an inactive and unhealthy lifestyle filled with stress and hectic schedules. This can really take a toll on our health, and the unhealthy diet we eat is further adding fuel to the fire.

We rarely have any time left for ourselves or to prepare healthy homecooked meals, which is why many of us resort to fast food. This unhealthy habit further damages our health and promotes weight gain that can make you unsatisfied with yourself and ultimately depressed.

Processed foods are hard for digestion, making our organs overwork, resulting in buildup toxins and fecal material in the colon, complicating further the matter and promoting even more weight gain. For this reason it is highly important to clean the colon and natural remedies are those which can help.

The following method involves 2 ingredients, and those are honey and vinegar.


– 2 tbsp. of raw honey;
– 2 tbsp. of ACV.


Mix the two ingredients in a cup and consume it right away. Take it in the morning on an empty stomach for optimal results. This remedy will remove body toxins and will help you shred extra pounds.

The remedy will also help with:

– Reducing cholesterol levels;
– Preventing formation of diabetes and tumors;
– Regulating blood pressure;
– Fighting obesity.

The mixture is packed with antioxidants and provides antimicrobial properties that may significantly improve the overall health.

Source: howafrica.com