Home Cuisine Dip Rosemary in a jar full of White Wine and here’s why.

Dip Rosemary in a jar full of White Wine and here’s why.

Discover the age-old yet enduringly popular method of infusing white wine with rosemary, which is favored by many due to its exceptional flavor profile and alleged health advantages. This piece explores the logic behind this intriguing blend, enticing you to try this well-balanced mixture.

White Wine and Rosemary: An Elixir from Tradition

Take pleasure in the stimulating sensation of steeping a rosemary twig in a carafe of white wine—a custom that many people like. The following information will captivate you with the advantages and rich history of this straightforward yet powerful infusion.

Unlocking the Secrets of Rosemary

The plant known as Rosmarinus officinalis, or simply rosemary, has a long history and thrives well in the rocky regions of the Mediterranean.

Ancient cultures, including the Roman and Greek ones, held rosemary in high regard since its sprigs represented memory, love, life, and death. Even the powerful, all-pervasive perfume is said to be able to ward off evil spirits and repel negative energy, according to a Spanish folklore.

Nowadays, rosemary finds a place in both cooking and medicine, where it’s used in remedies for upset stomachs and in the preparation of herbal teas that ease sore muscles.

In addition, the beauty industry hails rosemary as a near-magical component, employing its essential oil in the creation of bubble baths, shampoos, and soaps that are known to increase blood flow.

Today, let’s embark on an exploration of why the practice of immersing rosemary in white wine has been warmly embraced by many.

Infusing White Wine with Rosemary: A Potent Combination

But, why delve into the art of marinating rosemary in white wine? The answers lie ahead.

Embarking on this journey requires minimal effort and ingredients: a few sprigs of fresh rosemary (or alternatively, 30 grams of its dried leaves), a sizable jug, and 500 ml of white wine.

Take the sprigs of rosemary and submerge them in the jug with the white wine. Close the jug tightly and leave it somewhere cool and dry for at least seven days so the flavors of the rosemary and wine can meld. Make sure to gently shake the jug every day. Once a week has passed, filter the wine, save the rosemary sprigs, and sip a little glass of this infusion once or twice a day.


The synergistic properties of the vine and rosemary potentially purify the body, regulate blood circulation, and mitigate cholesterol levels…

This drink transforms into a comforting elixir for cold hands and feet in the winter. The active ingredients in rosemary prevent blood clot development, protecting the heart. On the other hand, the components of the vine may help cure conditions like weariness and drowsiness while improving concentration.

Moreover, this concoction may fortify your immune system and address issues such as rheumatism and digestive disturbances. For those navigating through bloating and meteorism, a small glass post meal acts as a natural digestive. This is why you too should dabble in this practice – it might just be the key to bidding farewell to numerous discomforts.