Home Health Get yourself Vicks VapoRub when you experience these health woes

Get yourself Vicks VapoRub when you experience these health woes

Vicks VapoRub is a great medicine for a cough but it also has many other great but unusual uses which most people don’t know. Get yourself Vicks VapoRub when you experience these following health woes:

1. Relieves earaches

Put a small cotton ball with Vicks VapoRub in your ear, and leave it there for a few hours until you see your doctor. Remember: although this method does help relieve ear pain, it doesn’t cure the infection itself. So it’s very important that you consult your health professional as soon as possible

2. Relieves muscle and back pain

This is probably one of the least unusual uses. Thanks to its natural ingredients, Vicks VapoRub helps relax stressed muscles. If you’re suffering from “tennis elbow,” try massaging some Vicks on the affected area until the pain is gone.

3. Helps to get rid of belly fat

Mix one tablespoon of crushed tablet camphor, one tablespoon of alcohol, one tablespoon of baking soda, and half a jar of Vicks VapoRub until you get a paste. Before doing your physical exercises, apply this paste to your abdomen or to the area that you plan to work on, and wrap yourself with plastic wrap. When you finish your workout, rinse with plenty of water.

4. Relieves headaches

Menthol, one of the main ingredients of Vicks VapoRub, helps lower blood pressure in your head and, as a result, relieves pain. Just rub a little on your forehead.

5. Treats toenail fungus

If you suffer from toenail fungus, try applying some Vicks to the affected nail every night and then put your socks on. The next day, wash your feet and clip off as much infected nail as possible. Repeat every night until your nails recover completely.

6. Helps to get rid of bruises

Gently rub some Vicks VapoRub on your bruise, and observe the healing process. The ointment will reduce all the swelling, and the bruise itself will disappear faster.

7. Reduces stretch marks

Rub some Vicks VapoRub on your stretch marks, and in just 2 weeks you will see that they gradually become less visible.

8. Brings noticeable results on your face

Apply a thin layer of Vicks VapoRub to the problem areas (acne, pimples, etc). Leave it overnight, and clean your face in the morning. Be persistent, and you will see positive changes very soon.

9. Takes good care of your feet

Before going to bed, apply some Vicks to your heels, especially to the cracked and dry areas, and put your socks on. Make sure you’re using old socks because the next day they will have a super strong menthol smell. In the morning, wash your feet with cold water, use a pumice stone to scrub away dead skin, and then apply your regular foot care product. Keep doing so every night, and soon you’ll see some noticeable results.