Home Jokes Little Johnny..

Little Johnny..

Little Johnny was told by his friends that all adults have a deep dark secret and can easily be manipulated.

Johnny decides to test it. He comes home, goes up to his mother and says, “Mom, I know everything.”

Mom shushes him and gives him $10.

“Just don’t tell Dad,” she says.

“Hey, it’s working!” thinks Little Johnny.

An hour later, Dad comes home from work.

Johnny goes up to him and says, “Dad, I know everything.” Dad gives Johnny $100.

“Don’t tell Mom”, he says.

Just then, the mailman knocks on the door.

Johnny opens it and says, “I know everything, Mister.”

The mailman drops all his mail, his eyes tear up and he says: “Well then Johnny, come give Daddy a hug.”

Poor Old fool” thought the well-dressed gentleman as he watched an old man fish in a puddle outside a pub.

So he invited the old man inside for a drink.

As they sipped their whiskeys, the gentleman thought he’d humor the old man and asked,

“So how many have you caught today?”

The old man replied,

“You’re the eighth.”