For some couples, respect is one of the deal breakers in their relationship. When one party discovers that the other person does not respect them, they could revolt. This can, in turn, lead to conflict in the relationship that can go unresolved for a long time.
This article reveals some obvious signs that you need to look out for to be sure that your man respects you. After checking through these signs, you will be able to tell if he respects you or not.

1. When he introduces you to someone, he makes you look as the most perfect woman. He talks a lot about your achievements and what a great person you are because he truly appreciates you.
2. He is attracted to you and you can clearly notice that. Whenever you have dinner with friends or family you notice him looking at you and giving you a smile that he only keeps for you.
3. He asks your opinion about things which you know more than he does. He asks you questions because he treats you as a smart human being and he respects your opinion.
4. He will never be arrogant when you ask him something from his area of expertise. He will neither act pompous because he would be very happy to share his knowledge with you.
5. He doesn’t think your struggles are your weaknesses. He is pleased to help you deal with challenges life throws at you.
6. He will always feel happy when he manages to prove you wrong because he will try to make you be right 80% of the time.
7. He will always support you and will encourage you about all your goals. He knows how important that is for you and he will be there next to you all the way.
8. He will be more into giving you a better 0rgasm than giving one to himself.
9. He will focus more on your pleasure in your bedroom instead of just doing things he likes.
10. He lets you know that he has a different opinion than you not in order to create fights but in order to have a healthy debate.
11. He will never stop trying to be a better person just so that he will be able to help you out whenever you are facing difficulties. He doesn’t want to see you struggle.
12. He might hurt you sometimes but he will always recognize and admit his mistakes. He will never do it on purpose and will apologize with a promise not to do that again in the future.