It’s a new year, and Meghan Markle appears to have decided that 2025 will be the year she returns to social media.
It has been a long time since the former royal has been active on Instagram following a lengthy break.
Both Prince Harry and Meghan took a break from social media in 2021, having had enough of the onslaught of hate they received after leaving England.
When she first joined under the account @Sussexroyal in April 2019, her account went on to gain more than 1 million followers in just six hours.

However, the account was soon flooded with hatred.
“I’m told that in 2019 I was the most trolled person in the entire world, male or female,” the duchess said on the podcast Teenager Therapy in October, adding: “What was able to just be manufactured and churned out, it’s almost unsurvivable, that’s so big.
“You can’t think of what that feels like. I don’t care if you’re 15 or 25, if people are saying things about you that aren’t true, what that does to your mental and emotional health is so damaging.“
But now, she’s back with a bang.
After creating an account today on New Year’s Day, Meghan posted her first post to @meghan.
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It was a touching and personal clip, which appeared to have been shot by Harry. It appears to be taken near their Montecito home and depicts the former Suits actress jogging on a beach in white jeans and a white top.
She then uses her finger to mark ‘2025’ in the sand before running along the beach again. A New Year’s resolution, perhaps?
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“For my own self-preservation, I have not been on social media for a very long time,” Meghan told Fortune magazine’s Most Powerful Women Next Gen Summit.
“I made a personal choice to not have any account, so I don’t know what’s out there. And in many ways that’s helpful for me.”
Though it’s been a long time coming, as back in 2022, Meghan said in an interview with The Cut: “Do you want to know a secret? I’m getting back… on Instagram.”