Three years ago, I met Matt at a charity event.
He was charming and confident, and his soft spot for his girls instantly warmed my heart. Ella and Sophie, his five-year-old twins, were the most adorable young children.
One evening, after a particularly hard day at work, Matt arrived to my place with the ladies. They were holding handmade cards decorated with glitter and stickers.
Inside, it said, “Thank you for being a part of our family.”
Looking at my boyfriend’s shining eyes and his little girls, I felt absolute warmth. I loved all three of them.

My life was finally coming together, and I was eager to get started, so I moved into Matt’s place as soon as possible.
Then I began wedding preparations. I’m a type-A personality, so I was really in the zone, but Matt became overwhelmed after a few months.
Matt suggested spending one night in our bed. “A family vacation, just the four of us. It’ll be our little escape before the big day.”
The initial two days were amazing.
I was waiting for the other shoe to drop, knowing that most people didn’t have as many picture-perfect family experiences. And that happened on our third afternoon at the resort.
Matt had wanted to stay at the hotel that morning. He was exhausted, but the girls were eager for additional time in the pool. I took them myself.
But by noon, Matt hadn’t come down and wasn’t answering my calls, so I rounded up the girls and returned to our floor.

I froze when pushing it open.
I didn’t notice anything incorrect right away. I ventured deeper inside and discovered Matt’s suitcase was missing.
My heart raced as I shook my head, and then, on the nightstand, I noticed a note: “I have to disappear. Soon, you’ll understand.”
I tried calling as discreetly as possible, but he still didn’t respond.
Just in case, I called the front desk to see if they had heard from Matt. They had not. I left additional messages on his phone. When morning arrived, there was nothing left to do but pack and leave.
When we eventually arrived, I was fatigued.
But as soon as I got inside, I came to a complete halt.
A blanket-wrapped bundle lay in the center of the living room. It moved.
“A puppy!” Ella squealed and dropped her backpack. “It’s a puppy!”

The bundle wriggled, and a tiny St. Bernard emerged, tail wagging wildly.
I was too astonished to respond.
But then I noticed a note hidden inside the puppy’s abandoned blanket and pulled it up.
“Dorothy, I know this was sudden, and I probably acted too rashly, but let me explain. I was scrolling through my phone at the hotel when I saw my friend giving away pups online. I had to leave immediately to make sure this little guy would be ours.
Remember the story you told me about your childhood St. Bernard, Max? I couldn’t pass up the chance to bring that joy back into your life, as you’ve brought love into our lives.
Thank you for caring so much about my daughters. Thank you for choosing me. Thank you for moving right in, and thank you for accepting to be ours forever. I’m sorry I didn’t explain before, but I got too excited. Please forgive me and give Max Jr. a little pet.”
I slumped into the couch, shaking my head as my entire body felt relieved. My silly fiancé had terrified me to d.e.a.t.h! But he had done it for a wonderful reason.

Several minutes later, the front door creaked open. Matt walked in, feeling apologetic and holding a bag of puppy supplies.
We spent the remainder of the evening playing with Max Jr. He raced the girls around the yard, barking excitedly, before curling up on the couch with us for a movie night.
In addition, Matt fulfilled his owe to me by providing me with the finest life possible.