You’ve met your dream guy and the early stages are going pretty well, but how can you be sure that he will see you as his one true love. Relationships need a lot of effort, but sometimes it’s not easy to figure out where you should be directing that effort.
You want to know how to make him fall in love with only you? Then you’ll want to follow these simple steps for how to make a man see you as his one true love, because believe it or not, there is actually a formula.
It might not be magic, but it’s as close to magic as you can get — and it’s also far more reliable. Just how does such a thing work? Find out below!

1. Reach Him on a Deeper Level
If you want him to treat you as something important in his life then give him something lots of other woman can’t – a partner who wants to know everything about him. Men have been known to have unconscious fears in life that their contribution to the world is pointless, meaningless, and insignificant. At the same time, every man out there has different hopes, dreams, and goals in life. In order for a man to feel truly alive and truly fulfilled, he needs to be pursuing his deepest aspiration and his “mission” in life. Your ultimate gift as a woman is to inspire him to do that, to realize his ultimate potential as a man.
2. Focus on Exclusivity
Whether you two have only been together for a few months or several years, make sure that he always values you as a prize to be won and cherished rather than just “good enough” until something better comes along. If you’re still seeing other people then stop because it’s time to show that you’re serious about this guy. If he’s the one seeing other people then tell him to stop as well. Let him know that you’ve decided to be exclusive and that you hope he will too because you believe this relationship is really going somewhere. If the two of you haven’t already been intimate then consider waiting until he agrees to be exclusive. Whether you want to admit it or not, men may not see a woman who’s eager to hop in the sack too soon as wife material.
3. Open Up to Him
It’s something that you will definitely work up to. Start by opening up to your boyfriend. Be a little vulnerable to him. After all, you know that you can trust him so it makes perfect sense to share whatever is on your mind. Realize that when you make the decision to open up to your boyfriend, you also create a space for him to open up to you. Trust me, that isn’t easy for most guys out there! A woman who is marriage material willingly creates this space for the two of you to share your emotions. She will listen without judgement, and share without fear.
4. Attraction
The physical attraction isn’t the end-all be-all of his desire to wanna be with you, but it certainly is a required foundation. Don’t think you need to be a beauty queen, though. Attraction comes in many different ways and simple things like being positive can give you swagger, which can lead to attraction. Many women kill their attractiveness by walking around with insecurities and low self-esteem because they feel that their appearance is flawed. In the long run, your self-doubt will be far more unattractive. Nobody is perfect and, no man demands or expects perfection. But, those who own their imperfections are massively more attractive than those who do not or cannot. Own it!
5. Challenge Him
Men in the 21st century don’t want a timid housewife that’s going to have dinner on the table at six and rush to go and get him a cold brew. The type of women that men consider marriage material today are ones whom aren’t afraid to speak their mind and occasionally challenge him. If you’re the type of girl who will call others out when they say (or do) something out of line, don’t ever try to tamp that down in an effort to make your man love you more. When your true nature comes out it may shock him at first, but in the end he’ll respect you for being yourself. Trust me, if he can’t handle that then he’s not the right guy for you! So, what does it mean to “challenge” him? If he makes an offensive joke, tell him it’s not okay. If you disagree with him, tell him. It doesn’t mean you will end up in an argument, but he should know that your thoughts differ from his own. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that!