When her son left for college, she finally found a nice job and has been paying for all he has required since. Seven years passed, and they only communicated through a screen, then one day, he returned and couldn’t believe what had transpired.
“Chris, don’t worry about anything. I’m paying for as much as I can. Whatever you need, call me,” Olive told her son at the train station. He was on his way to New York for college, and she had finally secured a well-paying position.
She couldn’t afford much for the majority of his life prior to that point. His gifts were always secondhand, as mom reared him alone and studied at night. He never went hungry or without shelter, but Olive was always bad about not being able to provide him with the same things his friends did.

She suddenly had a decent wage and was willing to offer him whatever he wanted.
“Thank you, Mom,” Chris said, hugged her, and got on the train.
He knocked on the door. No response. He peeked through the window and couldn’t believe what he saw. There was nothing inside.
“Mrs. Franklin, you should come to visit! I’m so huge now!” Chris’ fiancée, Rosalie, told her through the computer screen.
Chris met her in his junior year, and they were both about to graduate. However, Rosalie discovered she was pregnant, and they became engaged. Olive had yet to see her in person because they were both studying so hard, and Rosalie’s illness prevented her from traveling much.
Meanwhile, Olive was unable to pay a visit due to her heavy workload. Despite her high salary, she worked increasingly long hours over the years to pay for Chris’ tuition, housing, and bills, as well as her own. However, she lived as frugally as possible.
“Soon, Rosalie! I hope to meet you soon. When I get a free moment,” Olive nodded, and finally, Chris appeared on the screen. He told Rosalie he needed to talk to his mother, and she left the room.

“Mom, I wanted to ask you something,” Chris started, scratching the back of his head. “Since Rosalie and I are going to graduate soon and have a baby, I was wondering if you could help me with a house. We looked at one already. It’s in New Jersey because there’s no way we could live in the city, but it’s beautiful. It reminds me of home.”
Olive looked at her son for a moment, thinking carefully. “Well, I… don’t know,” she said, reflecting on her money and hard work. She was finally preparing to retire.
“Please,” Chris implored, discussing the cost of the house and how much they would need for a down payment. He also stated that Rosalie had nothing since she lacked family support.
“Ok, Chris, ok. I think we can work something out,” Olive finally responded. She would have to spend her entire savings and possibly live even more frugally. But it was feasible.
“Thank you! Thank you, Mom! I don’t know what I would do without you!” Chris said, almost crying, over the video connection, and Olive smiled, knowing it was all worth it.
“I wish you guys could come this Christmas,” Olive said in front of her computer, as she has many times over the years. Her son had left her house seven years ago and has yet to return to his Maryland homeland. All they did was video chat. She misses to spend time with her grandchild. However, everyone was occupied.

Olive worked harder than ever before because she still helped her son on a regular basis and had emptied her money for the second time when he wanted to establish his own business. She never asked him for anything in return, but she wished they could at least pay her a visit.
“We can’t, Mom. Not this year,” Chris said, shaking his head. “But thank you for the gifts you already sent Mallory. She loves them. You’re an amazing grandma.”
“Put her on the screen,” Olive requested gently and watched her granddaughter longing to hold her in her arms.
Olive was unaware that Chris was finally intending to pay her a visit. He couldn’t afford plane tickets for Rosalie and Mallory to accompany him, but he was finally happy to visit his mother.
However, when his taxi arrived in front of his house, Chris frowned. It was 9 p.m., and the lights were all out. Chris told his taxi driver to wait a second before getting out. The porch furniture was gone. Her mother’s favorite plants had also gone stolen. The garden was overgrown, and even the welcome mat was missing.

He knocked on the door. No response. He peeked through the window and couldn’t believe what he saw. There was nothing inside. Has Mom moved? Why didn’t she tell me? He wondered, concerned.
“Chris? Is that you?” a female voice asked.
He turned around to see Mrs. Torres, an elderly woman who had lived next door to them his entire life. “Mrs. Torres. Hi, there!”
“What are you doing here, kid?” she asked.
“I’m here to see Mom. Do you know where she is?” he asked, frowning.
“Oh, dear. Your mother moved away about two years ago. She sold that house, but the new owners moved just a few weeks ago. I don’t know who’ll be moving in now,” Mrs. Torres said, her forehead wrinkling as she rambled on.
“She never told me,” Chris muttered. “Do you know where she is?”
“Sure, I have her address written. Come with me,” Mrs. Torres went to her house and gave him a piece of paper.
Chris read the address and grimaced. The address pointed to a less desirable part of town. “Do you know why she moved there?” he questioned the elderly woman.

“No, honey. But I know she has a roommate now,” Mrs. Torres shrugged, and Chris was even more baffled.
He eventually got back into his taxi and told him the new address. He arrived at an apartment complex with faded paintwork on a dimly lit street. It was dreadful. In addition, because there was no security, he was able to access and ascend the building rapidly.
“Chris? What are you doing here?” Olive asked, sh0cked when she answered the door.
“Mom! What is going on? Why did you sell the house?” Chris questioned, dismayed and bewildered.
“Oh, Chris. Come in,” she sighed and ushered her son into her tiny living room.
Olive revealed that the first time he asked her for money for the house, she had some funds and used them to buy them the house. However, when Chris approached her for money for his business, she had little savings and opted to sell her house and give him practically all of the proceeds.
Chris was astounded by the news and the fact that he had been so unaware. So careless. Such a bad son. “Why didn’t you say anything? Mom! I wouldn’t have taken that money if I’d known,” he muttered, breathless.
“But I wanted you to succeed, sweetie. I failed to give you so much when you were younger, I just didn’t…” she tried to explain, but Chris cut her off.

“Mom, you gave me everything I ever needed. I only asked because I thought you had it. I shouldn’t have asked. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry for not asking about you. I’m sorry for not visiting. I’m so sorry you have to live in this part of town and with a roommate at your age, for God’s sake!” Chris apologized, frustrated tears coming out of his eyes.
Olive cried as well and clutched her son tightly as Chris made her so many promises. He contacted Rosalie that night, explained everything, and they both agreed it was time to bring Olive closer to them. Fortunately, she found a new work in New Jersey immediately.
They eventually created an in-law apartment for her so Olive would not miss another moment of her granddaughter’s existence. Chris gently but steadily repaid his mother for every penny she had given him for the house and business, which grew tremendously and enabled them to live comfortably. Most importantly, Chris never permitted Olive to make another sacrifice.