Home Quiz This Simple Math Equation Stumped 40% Of people

This Simple Math Equation Stumped 40% Of people


Believe it or not, only 60% of people in their 20s could answer this


Credit: YouTube/MindYourDecisions


It is Easy But Tricky: 9 – 3 ÷ 1/3 + 1 = ?


Now look at this equation below. Looks easy, right? 

Though apparently, only 60% of people in the age group of 21-29 can answer this. 


A seemingly simple math problem that has people divided for years now. 

Two different solutions. Two different answers. 


So which one is the correct answer?

This is the one commonly made mistake.



Credit: YouTube/MindYourDecisions


Most people tend to disregard the fraction and jump into the division first. 

It’s not wrong, but it contradicts the rule of BODMAS. 


Sounds familiar? Of course, it is. 

Chances are we have been taught about it in school. 

Maybe we didn’t pay enough attention. Maybe we forgot.


Here’s a recap of what BODMAS (or PEMDAS) is all about.




Credit: YouTube/MindYourDecisions 



“You should write an expression that groups one third as one group.” So the first step is to sort out the fraction 

Then, the three should be divided with the fraction, which totals to nine.
The third and last step is to subtract the nine with nine, which results in zero. 

Zero plus one equals ONE. 

And that, ladies and gentleman is how deceivingly easy the solution is.






Credit: YouTube/MindYourDecisions





