Home Health What to do if your man remains too close to his ex

What to do if your man remains too close to his ex

What to do if your man remains too close to his ex

Most of the time your partner would have a past; previous relationships that didn’t work out for reasons best known to him and the other girl(s).

It’s okay if your boyfriend is pretty cool with your ex. This is someone with whom he has had something beautiful, with whom he probably thought he would spend an eternity.

Even with things not working out between them as expected, the other girl is still part of his history and experiences and if your boyfriend chooses to stay connected, trying to deny her that would be selfish, insensitive and portray him as being insecure.

Is she too close to take comfort in her ex?

However, allowing your man to remain friends with your ex should be done carefully.

Take for example this woman, who says that her boyfriend’s ex is trying to make him see why she, his current girlfriend, is not good for him!

Obviously such an ex has become too close and if you ever find yourself in a situation like this or anything remotely close, you should demand that your boyfriend cut all ties with such a girl. IMMEDIATELY.

Other times when you should ask him to stop communicating with an ex:

1. If he meets with her in secret, no matter how innocent he swears the meeting was, he should put a stop to it.

2. If he is making sneaky phone calls to her or the conversations are becoming too much.

3. If he is sending her money or something without informing you of these transactions.

4. If her name keeps coming up too often during your communication with him.

Note that the other woman is never your problem. You can only call your man to place orders or make demands on him.

Source:pulse.ng, celebsnow.co.za